Through this integration, the District Whole School Development (DWSD) model is poised to influence a broader systemic change in the education sector. The DWSD model is aimed at transforming public school education based on a district by district approach across South Africa.

The implementation of the programme commenced in 2014, in two Free State districts: Motheo and Fezile Dabi. Five years into the programme and we are excited and energised to continue the work we do to uplift schools, educators, learners and communities. As KST, we recommit ourselves to serving our children and our country.

The District Whole School Development model seeks to see a large number of schools undergo systematic transformation through its four-prong approach as follows:

  • Transformation and Empowerment Workshops
  • Curriculum development through educator capacitation and training
  • Infrastructure development
  • Instructional Leadership and Governance in the school, including Youth Leadership development.


Our strategies to drive systemic change

The sustainability roadmap seeks to sustain the impact of the programme beyond KST’s involvement in the districts. It cuts across the system, with the aim of capacitating the District Director, Circuit Managers, Subject Advisors to ensure that they can provide meaningful support to schools. Furthermore, it ensures that this is not only confined to compliance, but that it also addresses support and access to capacity, content knowledge and classroom practices.

  • Strategy 1: Capacitate and empower system leaders
  • Strategy 2: Ensure strong mechanisms and systems are in place
  • Strategy 3: Develop empowerment and transformation toolkits enabling schools to institutionalise the Retreat practice
  • Strategy 4: Invest in the integration of ICT into school curriculum administration and learning culture
  • Strategy 5: Ensure sustainability through key partnerships and collaborations

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